Breath - Posture - Movement

A natural way to heal and become mentally, spiritually and physically stronger.

This tried and tested method offers guaranteed results

"What TAOB has done for me is hard to put into words. Little did I know that this would change my whole way of existing."
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+44 7539 732427

The art Of Breathing

TAOB is key to a natural and stress-free approach when building physical and mental strength. It introduces an unforced and natural breathing technique, coordinated movements, holds and exercises designed to develop distinctive and extraordinary core muscles, as well as complete toning of the upper body Improving posture, increasing height, and overall physical and mental health

The TAOB system was developed to provide a better quality of life in all aspects.

Since I started working with BPM I have been living my life normally, working, relaxing, walking, sitting, lying down, sleeping and breathing calmly. However my body looks much more fit than it did when I was exercising 3 times a week in the gym. My core is stronger, I have muscle in my back, the chest and shoulders continue to open more and more. My waist is slimmer and hips are wider, my body has become more womanly. The structure of my face has changed. My nose even grew a new bone - I didn’t use to have a central nose bone! But the best part is that I understand my body and mind better. I can not express in words how grateful I am to TA and to the BPM system.
Mari Eckhoff Tveito
Singing intructor and choir conductor

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